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Sunday Fun day: Dallas Zoo

Surprise we’re going to the Zoo!

Sunday Fun Day is what we moms call it. We decided Sunday may be the last cool and comfortable day in Dallas to visit the local zoo. You have no clue how HOT it gets in the city during the summer, 95◦ and higher! So, we gathered all the kiddos and snacks and headed south.

We wanted to be fully prepared so here are few tips we followed to get park ready:

  • Dress for the occasion

  • Pack an extra pair of clothes

  • Pack Healthy Snacks/ water

  • Bring (or rent) a stroller (NECESSARY)

The only thing as joyous and rewarding as raising our children is getting to share their new experience with them. A life with animals is good for us all, and possibly even more important when we are children. I love witnessing the wonder and amazement in my son’s eyes as he sees an animal for the first (2nd and 3rd) time! His face lights up and his smile comes alive as he points to each animal in excitement and joy.

Now to the fun!

My son’s heart was set on seeing safari animals, so we all headed over to the Savanna Giants during their scheduled feeding time to feed the Giraffes. His smile was everything.

Walk the walk, talk the talk!

Kids love to imitate, so a trip to the zoo was the perfect time to practice their mimicry skills. We challenged the kids to trumpet like an elephant or walk like an ape once we got to the sites. My son insisted on being a lion most of the time (king of the jungle he says lol).

Secrets out!

How we really got through this trip.Yes indeed! If we cant live a little with the kiddos our crew isn't for you. The joys of mommy friendships. We try to squeeze in Mommy time all the time!

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