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Helathy Moms on the Rise

I’m a mom so I know all moms can agree that our world revolves around our children. Being a parent brings joy and is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, but it’s also very exhausting as I’ve stated before. Moms are on duty 24/7. Our kids are the most important things in our lives, but sometimes we can get so caught up and focused on them that we forget to take care of ourselves.

My child is getting older and I am beginning to exercise more frequently, and it has beome a very positive outlet for me. For the record, I am absolutely loving my new LIFESTYLE. I am always starting and stopping, but as long I start somewhere is what counts. Most of us exercise because we want to change the way our bodies look. But it’s important that we don’t overlook a whole host of other benefits too. Exercise is a great source for our mood, energy levels, self-confidence, and life balance. Something you do for yourself that makes you feel better and gives a sense of accomplishment. When I started back exercising quickly change my way of thinking.

“I feel stronger, more independent, and more confident.”

Moms we spend so much time with our children, or thinking about them, exercise can be a time that is just for YOU! My son loves the kid’s area, so we both enjoy the gym. No guilt here moms!

Yes, I know there may not always be enough time in the day but try and schedule two or three days a week to exercise, even if it is just for 30 minutes. Do something that you ENJOY, that will increase your heart rate and makes you sweat. Incorporating exercise in our weekly routine, will help us maintain our health and overall well-being.

“We must stop looking for instant results and just look towards being healthy and feeling great! “

"Exercise, and be happy."

The next time you’re feeling down, stressed, or anxious, get off the couch and do a workout instead. Because you'll not only feel more confident, energized, and calm — you’ll be a healthier and happier Mom for life!

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