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Open Diary

At what moment in life do you realize separation anxiety is real deal. Just this pass weekend it hit me like a ton of breaks,


No, not my son, although he does plays a major role in this, it’s ME! And you must know he started all of this! Not wanting to leave my side or stay anywhere to long without my presence before having a fit, he has officially done his job. He has created a monster. I know I talk this big talk of wanting me time, but I can honestly say when that time is granted, the countdown begins.

All signs point to it! I have trouble sleeping when he’s away (and with him), I worry about my child's adjustment, or just miss spending time with him. While this is completely normal, I feel guilty sometimes. I also must remember parental separation anxiety often transfers to the child and contributes to their anxiety. I do my best to be enthusiastic and upbeat about my child's plans, so I don’t cry in front of him when I’m dropping him off. Yes, I cry sometimes, I am confused mom.

I’m working on this because I need to reclaim my time (me time that is). So, I’ve promised myself that I will overcome this and enjoy some down time.

My next step is talking my self into letting him sleep in his room upstairs. ANXIETY OVERLOAD!

Until then readers wish me luck on this journey of separating myself from my son’s hip.

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