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Make Time Mommy

To be a happy, positive, and well-balanced mom make sure you get some breaks to do something nice for yourself, they say.

Ask yourself, where do all the hours go?

We fill our days with activities, work, commitments and caring for others and often forget about ourselves. Yet every mother, at some point, takes on too much and becomes exhausted — and she knows it even if she won’t admit it to her closest family and friends for fear of seeming ungrateful and misunderstood. After all, how can you complain about needing a break from your beautiful child you so happily brag about all the time.

Some days it can feel as if all I do is work, come home and work, feel responsible for everyone else, and have little or no time left for myself. Being a daily chauffeur, cook, cleaner, career woman, nurse, adviser, lover, and decision-maker can take its toll on us moms. It is important to rediscover the "you" underneath all these responsibilities!

The biggest part of the struggle is dealing with the guilt for wanting to be everything to everyone else while knowing that choosing to do so usually means leaving nothing for you (this is motherhood). It is obvious that I need to start putting myself first, especially because I can’t even remember to do it when it was part of my job. So, I have taken a step back and tried to think of what I could do for myself to re-claim the day and create a space of happiness for me. How do other moms squeeze in time for themselves after they take care of all their other responsibilities?

Well let’s be honest once you’re a MOM there is no ME time!

Taking a shower alone has become my highlight (Spa Day). I legit just had an argument with my toddler because I wanted to shower without him! From time to time he does get in with me to save time, but now I’m just trying to save my MIND! So, I got an audience for the duration of my shower (FYI screaming toddler on the door). But I am learning its ok to have me time. My issue is asking someone to watch my son. I feel he is my responsibility and no one else’s, plus when he leaves I have no clue what to do. My life solely revolves around my son. But if someone gladly asked for him I wouldn’t mind the alone time, but how often has that happen?

I cannot be Supermom & Superwoman. I’m learning to always do what can be done rather than what you feel should be done. Taking each day at a time and learning to take a break.

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