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Becoming a Mom

You always hear, “life is going to change drastically when you have children”. Most respond “it can’t be that extreme”. Who the hell were they kidding! All I can say is, everyone was right and I think that all moms would agree!

Becoming a mother has been the most challenging, yet rewarding job ever. Adjusting as a parent was tough (no lies here.) It’s like signing up for a for job with no description, however in small print right below the signature line, the fine print states,

Sign at your own risk please advise there is no turning back, but note the job is VERY REWARDING” side effects may include sleepless nights, blood, sweat and tears."

I still remember like yesterday I was overjoyed being a new mom, life was perfect and then BOOM Parker is crying nonstop. I just could not understand why me his mother couldn't control his crying. "Does my touch not give him comfort?" Skin to skin contact wasn't working and he didn't want anything to eat. I was completely lost! The crying had become routine and I realized that quickly. This happens

around the same time every night. Yes at night! I only allowed this to happen for 3 nights before contacting his pediatrician.

His doctor told me my child was Colic. As any mom with a colicky baby can attest, coping with colic can be daunting and overwhelming. Colic is one of those things you can’t possibly understand unless you’ve experienced it. While colic symptoms usually subside around 4 months of age, the impact it can have on the parents can last much longer. But I reminded myself that I was my son’s only support and advocate. We plodded through those first months, living in survival mode, crying with him because I was tired and felt his pain, but look at God and time we made it out!

Nearly three years in, life as a mom feels less like a roller coaster and more like a zigzagging road. We have a routine we follow or least try to follow. Parker has a personality out this world! I have a bit more knowledge and a lot more patience (maybe a little bit more ).

At some point, I’ve learned to laugh at our journeys that once had me thinking

I have no clue what I’m doing or what to do."

And I would always tell so many baby poop stories—the time on the bed spread, three times in the tub, once in my hands to shield a brand-new pair of jeans—that I was convinced this is a rite of passage for parents. Let’s not forget to mention the wonderful nightly activity that involves closing your eyes and remaining vertical for eight hours until sunrise will no longer exist! Because without sleep are you really a mom?

With the ups and downs of parenting, I thank the Lord every day for my smart, sticky finger, tantrum throwing perfect son. Without him my life wouldn’t be as meaningful as it is now. He has given me so much drive, purpose, and abundance of love.

I’m proud I was chosen to become a Mom.

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